Speak LOUD

Starting Over with STACEY DASH

Tiffany Barnes/Stacey Dash Season 4 Episode 104

Today I’m talking with Stacey Dash, an accomplished actress, author, and healthy-living advocate. Stacey is a mother who has navigated many waters, overcoming obstacles to raise her children and remain in the film and TV industry. She recently celebrated 5 years clean and is here to speak loud about balancing family, health, and careers while holding onto your vision in life. 

Focusing on the Future 

Stacey believes that the future is more important than the past. “The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror,” she says, but still details how her childhood affected her life. Both of her parents were addicted to drugs, and Stacy grew up angry as a result of her dysfunctional childhood. 

At age 8, Stacey knew she wanted to be an actress after acting in her first play. An actress was able to escape the life they were living, she realized, and be someone else. She landed her first job at 18 after leaving home, but still struggled with self-worth all the way into adulthood. It wasn’t until her son was born, after Stacey grappled with the decision of abortion, that she says her life began. 

Battling Opioid Addiction

In her adult life, Stacey struggled with an addiction to opioids, after being prescribed them for pain management. Everything that happened to her, she believed happened for a reason. At the time, opioids allowed Stacey’s brain to ‘slow down’ enough so that she could function. 

No one in Stacey’s life knew about her struggle with drugs, aside from her sister. She accomplished many things, including contributing to Fox News for 2 years, writing a book, and being a good mother. But after collapsing in pain because of organ shutdown, Stacey spent a month in the hospital and was told that she would die if she did any drugs again. After being released, she was suddenly on a plane to Utah to go to rehab. Addiction, as Stacey explains, is not a choice. It’s a disease, and a painful one, and getting clean is one of the hardest things to do. 

Never Too Late to Dream 

When it came to being a mother, Stacey considered what she had wanted as a little girl, and worked to give those things to her children. She had wanted to feel loved and safe and knew she had to give that life to her kids. “It ends with me,” she said, deciding that her future generations would not know abuse, instability, or loss.

Stacey hopes that listeners come away from this episode with a greater sense of empathy and understanding. She is not a victim of her past or her circumstances. Even now, after being five years clean, she’s pursuing a passion project of interior design. Her goal is to create sanctuaries for people, both in-home and in worship, even if it means starting from the ground up. Stacey hopes that listeners know, “It’s never too soon and it’s never too late.” Whatever their vision is, it is still possible.

Listen in to hear more about Stacey’s upcoming book, how her relationship with God empowers her through her struggles, and how she’s found patience and endurance in adversity.

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